TCS is proud to support Alabama DOT in the procurement of the West Alabama Highway Design-Build Project. The Project is anticipated to have two sections, a “South Section” beginning near the intersection of SR-5 and US-43 in Thomasville continuing north along US-43 bypassing Dixon Mills to the east, then continuing north along US-43 and ending approximately 1.5 miles South of SR-69 near Linden, and a “North Section” beginning approximately 1.75 miles north of the US-43/SR-69 intersection in Providence north along SR-69 to approximately 1.03 miles south of US-80 bypassing Gallion to the east, continuing north on SR-69 bypassing Greensboro to the west, continuing north on SR-69 bypassing Moundville to the east, and ending with connection to the existing 4-lane highway on SR-69 north of Moundville
